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Univ.Prof. Dr. Heribert Insam


"I like the gut microbes a lot,

be it with oxygen or not!"




Head of the Department of Microbiology
Technikerstr. 25d
A-6020 Innsbruck

Heribert Insam is Full Professor of Microbiology and Head of the Institute of Microbiology at the University of Innsbruck. Since 30 years, climate-driven carbon dynamics in soil continues to be one of his major research interests.


His range of work, however, covers a multitude of subject areas in environmental microbiology; microbiology of composting and anaerobic digestion, soil remediation, biofilm ecology and wastewater treatment are only a few to mention. Heribert is author of more than 200 scientific papers, editor of four books and is serving as Editor-in-Chief for Applied Soil Ecology.


His Working Group Microbial Resource Management counts four PostDocs and six PhD students. Heribert is proud to be member of HiPoAF, and believes in a great future of biological pre-treatment of lignocellulosic materials with Neocallimastigomycota.


Heribert is also co-founder of the company BioTreaT (Biological Treatment Technologies) GmbH, Innsbruck and vigorously states that microbiology will be one of the major science disciplines in the 21st century.

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