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The Team


Creating significant synergies, the consortium brings together the most prominent researchers in the field of anaerobic fungi in Europe, either as consortium members or with an ancillary role. Members of this consortium are well integrated into the international Anaerobic Fungi Network, and each group's specific strengths complement each other perfectly. A few to mention are mycology, molecular detection methods and phylogenetics, molecular analytics and bioinformatics, microscopy, anaerobic digestion, microbial culturing, continuous anaerobic culturing, and anaerobic fungi enzyme activity measurements. The synergism among working groups will minimize the duplication of efforts and is critical to the efficient and successful completion of the project.



To learn more about the HiPoAF team, and collaborating institutions, check out their members:

Austria (Universität Innsbruck),

Germany (Bayrische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft),

Switzerland (Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften),

Collaborating Institutions (TUM, CeBiTec, IAPG, IBERS)

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