10 - Research Article
Meili, C.H., et al.
Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome
Nature Communications, 2023
09 - Editorial
Lebuhn, M.; Podmirseg, S. M.; Baier, U.
Editorial for Special Issue “Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Anaerobic Fungi
Microorganisms, 2023
08 - Research Article
Joshi, A.; Young, D.; Huang, L.; Mosberger, L.; Munk, B.; Vinzelj, J.; Flad, V.; Sczryba, A.; Griffith, G.W.; Podmirseg, S. M.; Warthmann, R.; Lebuhn, M.; Insam, H.
Effect of Growth Media on the Diversity of Neocallimastigomycetes from Non-Rumen Habitats
Microorganisms, 2022
07 - Research Article
Vinzelj, J.; Joshi, A.; Young, D.; Begovic, L.; Peer, N.; Mosberger, L.; Schmid Lüdi, K.C.; Insam, H.; Flad, V.; Nagler, M.; Podmirseg, S. M.
No Time to Die: Comparative Study on Preservation Protocols for Anaerobic Fungi
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022
06 - Research Article
Young, D.; Joshi, A.; Huang, L.; Munk, B.; Wurzbacher, C.; Youssef, N.H.; Elshahed, M.S.; Moon, C.D.; Ochsenreither, K.; Griffith, G.W.; Callaghan, T.M.; Sczyrba, A.; Lebuhn, M.; Flad, V.
Microorganisms 2022, 10, 1749.
05 - Research Article
Elshahed, M.S.; Hanafy​, R.A.; Cheng​, Y.; Dagar, S.S.; Edwards, J.E.; Flad​, V.; Fliegerová​, K.O.; Griffith​, G.W.; Kittelmann​, S.; Lebuhn​, M.; O'Malley, M.A.; Podmirseg​, S.M.; Solomon​, K.V.; Vinzelj​, J.; Young​, D.; Youssef, N.H.
Characterization and rank assignment criteria for the anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota)
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2022, 72, 7
04 - Opinion Paper
Nagler, M.; Podmirseg, S.M.; Ascher-Jenull, J.; Sint, D.; Traugott, M.
Why eDNA fractions need consideration in biomonitoring
Molecular Ecology Resources 2022
03 - Research Article
Fliegerova, K.O.; Podmirseg, S.M.; Vinzelj, J.; Grilli, D.J.; Kvasnová, S.; Schierová, D.; Sechovcová, H.; Mrázek, J.; Siddi, G.; Arenas, G.N.; Moniello, G.
Microorganisms 2021, 9, 157.
02 - Book Chapter
Flad V.; Young, D.; Seppälä, S.; Hooker, C.; Youssef, N.; Podmirseg, S.M.; Nagler, M.; Reilly, M.; Li, Y.; Fliegerová, K.; Cheng, Y.; Griffith, G.W.; Elshahed, M.; Solomon, K.V.; Michelle A. O’Malley, M.A.; Theodorou, M.K.
17. The Biotechnological Potential of Anaerobic Gut Fungi.
In: Benz J.P., Schipper K. (eds) Genetics and Biotechnology.
The Mycota (A Comprehensive Treatise on Fungi as Experimental Systems for Basic and Applied Research), vol 2. Springer, Cham.
01 - Review
Vinzelj, J.; Joshi, A.; Insam, H.; Podmirseg, S. M.
Employing Anaerobic Fungi in Biogas Production: Challenges & Opportunities.
Bioresource Technology 2020, 300, 122687.
Talks & Presentations
Joshi A., Vinzelj, J., Blattler, F., Grob, L., Mosberger, L., Nagler, M., Podmirseg, S.M., Fliegerova, K., Baier, U., Insam, H., Warthmann, R.
Mastering the art of anaerobic fungi cultivation: unravelling the complexities of growth inhibitors and promoters
Neurauter, M., Vinzelj, J., Strobl, S.F.A., Kappacher, C., Schlappack, T., Badzoka, J., Huck, C., Rainer, M., Podmirseg, S.M.
Spectra: a novel method for anaerobic fungi identification
Joshi, A.; Huang, L.; Young, D.; Mosberger, L.; Munk, B.; Vinzelj, J.; Flad, V.; Sczyrba, A.; Lebuhn, M.; Podmirseg, S.M.; Insam, H.; Warthmann, R.
Effect of growth media on the diversity of Neocallimastigomycetes from non-rumen habitats
You can watch the recording of this talk on YouTube!
Young, D.; Joshi, A.; Huang, L.; Munk, B.; Flad, V.; Wurzbacher, C.; Youssef, N.; Elshahed, M.S.; Moon, C.D.; Ochsenreither, K.; Sczyrba, A.; Lebuhn, M.
Screening environmental samples for anaerobic gut fungi – Development of a specific primer pair for their conjoined detection, quantification, and classification
You can watch the recording of this talk on YouTube!
Young, D.; Stüer-Patowsky, K.; Huang, L.; Flad, V.; Elshahed, M.S.; Youssef, N.; Hanafy, R.; Cheng, Y.; Moon, C.; Soni, P.; Joshi, A.; Stabel, M.; Ochsenreither, K.; Sumit, D.; Hillman, E.; Solomon, K.; Fliegerová, K.; Griffith, G.W.; Callaghan, T.M.; Podmirseg, S.M.; Sczyrba, A.; Lebuhn, M.; Wurzbacher, C.
Third-generation sequencing to the rescue: Analysing the whole ribosomal operon to classify Neocallimastigales
You can watch the recording of this talk on YouTube!
Sonderegger, L.R.; Strobl, S.F.A.; Peer, N.; Vinzelj, J.; Wunderer, M.; Wagner, A.O.; Podmirseg, S.M.
Live and Let Die: Do Changes in the pH Value trigger Resting Stage Formation in Anaerobic Fungi?
You can watch the recording of this talk on YouTube!
Vinzelj, J.; Joshi, A.; Young, D.; Begovic, L.; Peer, N.; Mosberger, L.; Schmid Lüdi, K.C.; Insam, H.; Flad, V.; Nagler, M.; Podmirseg, S. M.
No Time to Die: Comparative Study on Preservation Protocols for Anaerobic Fungi
You can watch the recording of this talk on YouTube!
Joshi A., Soussi E., Mosberger L., Podmirseg S., Insam H., Warthmann R., Baier U.
Variation in the Syntrophic Association of Anaerobic Fungi with Rumen Methanogens
Vinzelj J., Fliegerova K, Podmirseg S., Grilli D., Kvasnová S., Schierová D., Sechovcová H., Mrázek J., Siddi G., Arenas G., Moniello G.
The Complex Case of Anaerobic Fungi (Neocallimastigomycota)
AFN Webinar Series
Young Fernández-Grandizo D.
All for one and one for all:
improved screening for anaerobic gut fungi in environmental samples
Mycology Tyrol
Vinzelj J., Nagler M., Suksong W., O-Thong S., Insam H., Podmirseg S.,
Meet & Breed: Detection and Cultivation of Anaerobic Fungi
Falterbaum, C.; Veitengruber, J.; Lukas, N.; Young, D.; Lebuhn, M.; Wurzbacher, C.; Flad, V.
Quantification of GH6 cellobiohydrolase transcripts as a proxy for anaerobic fungal activity?
ISAM2023, Innsbruck, AUT, 23rd-26th May 2023
Strobl, S.F.A.; Podmirseg, S.M.; Insam, H.; Nagler, M.
Investigating extra- and intracellular DNA patterns of anaerobic gut fungi
ISAM2023, Innsbruck, AUT, 23rd-26th May 2023
*Winner of the Best Poster Award
Lukas, N.; Veitengruber, J.; Gohl, C.; Lücht, M.; Steinmetz, H.; Lebuhn, M.; Flad, V.
Novel anaerobic fungi isolated from rodents of the family Caviidae
ISAM2023, Innsbruck, AUT, 23rd-26th May 2023
Vinzelj, J.; Karrer, M.; Stocker, S.; Ernster, N.; Podmirseg, S.M.
Making them shine: establishing HCR-FISH for anaerobic gut fungi
ISAM2023, Innsbruck, AUT, 23rd-26th May 2023
Podmirseg, S.M.; Nagler, M.; Ascher-Jenull, J.; Sint, D.; Traugott, M.
Why eDNA fractions need consideration in biomonitoring
ISME18, Lausanne, CH, 14th-19th August 2022
World Microbe Forum
Vinzelj J., Fliegerova K, Podmirseg S., Grilli D., Kvasnová S., Schierová D., Sechovcová H., Mrázek J., Siddi G., Arenas G., Moniello G.
The Complex Case of Anaerobic Fungi (Neocallimastigomycota)