Sabine Podmirseg
Project Lead Austria
During the last years my research focused mainly on wastewater treatment (anammox), anaerobic digestion (process monitoring and -optimization) and molecular techniques that enable reliable characterisation and quantification of microbial consortia.
The peculiar group of anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota) has attracted my attention since the IMC9 (Edinburgh 2010) and luckily through an international cooperation become one of my main research disciplines since 2012. I am responsible for the UIBK anaerobic fungi culture collection.
Research stays at IAPG and IBERS have broadened my know-how on this specific fungal group and I am happy that this international network is part of this project consortium! I could spend hours in front of the microscope watching these fascinating microorganisms.
Let's face the challenges but also opportunities this fungal group offers!